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We need a disable reverse feature now with V2 remote

Discussion in 'Carbon GT' started by mrbooon, Jan 7, 2017.

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  1. mrbooon

    mrbooon Member

    It is absolutely unacceptable that we are riding boards that AUTOMATICALLY shift down 2 modes without user input...

    I was going along 20mph/h uphill in GT mode, no problem.... The board must have auto changed down to ECO, when I got near the top, and shifted down 2 times. Thinking I would now go into ECO, but in reality that caused the board to go into reverse, because it self had shifted to ECO already.

    Smashed my face into the road... hip screwed, hands teared open... thanks Evolve for V2 remote... much better.

    Of course from now on I will ALWAYS check which mode I am before switching down, but if we can just disable reverse in the settings, it would completely remove this issue. Or even disable reverse if the board is still moving forward. You can't slap your automatic car gearbox in reverse either when you are doing 20mph...

    It should be a super easy software fix.

    Fix this guys, I have a feeling someone will sue your asses for the V2 setup now. It's unacceptable.
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  2. forbesmyester

    forbesmyester Member

    It is far too happy to switch down modes anyway. I went across regent's park on a full charge and up primrose hill at the very end (it is very steep in the last 100m).

    The distance is about 2km at most and it is choosing to downshift into Eco... WTF. Does it go up the hill in Eco? Nope.

    It is only because the remote has some ridiculous battery reading as it is going up hill.
  3. Horrus29

    Horrus29 Member

    I am seriously thinking about selling mine because of all the connection issues. I am afraid to get on the thing. When I first bought it I was recommending this board to everyone, now I tell them to stay away from them.
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  4. anticrisus

    anticrisus Member

    I agree that Evolve could add a "allow reverse" setting and not engage opposite gears until stopped, and I fully believe that remote firmware updates to these remotes should be planed into the design.

    Bugs are inherent in every system and need to be worked out.

    More importantly, I think you may have figured out that the board may not drop into reverse automatically, but instead is being shifted by the user when they are unaware that the board has cycled into eco mode. This makes the most sense. I don't shift a lot and always glance at the remote before shifting. I think I would've done this myself if I was not aware of the eco shift.

    I'm reassured that this won't happen to me and suspect the danger can be mitigated with a little more caution.
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  5. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    When will Evolve take these issues seriously and fix them before someone doesn't wear a helmet and gets killed on this thing? I can't imagine some dad trusting his young boy or girl on this. Its just a matter of time before more people get more of these defective boards under their feet and the inevitable happens.

    I really don't like how Evolve is pushing pushing pushing these boards out but not taking the issue at hand seriously. This is something where the company needs to contact owners immediately and warn them of the reported defects/issues, and show they're responsible by communicating to the customer that they are looking into them and addressing them. And for certain tell riders not to ride them.

    Fix your issues from pushing this board to the market way to early before proper full testing was done by a qualified entity.

    In my case when the board went into reverse I could have become injured again if I put 100% trust in this damn thing called the GT. Since I hurt myself initially from this board due to a defect and didn't trust Evolves repair job on the thing, I could have been here as well that's for sure.

    There is no friggen reason why a board needs reverse for a normal rider. Is it used when you slide the board out so that you can continue riding? If so, have a menu that lets the rider know that this is not recommended and they use it at their own risk. Make the remote have the user select that every-time it powers down if they want it, default it to safe mode with it off like Evolve defaults the ECO mode. Still this is just one of the many defects I've seen as a customer owning a dangerous board.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
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  6. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    I fooled myself too believing that line before I got hurt by my GT. If I trusted this board I would for certain have been hurt by it when it decided to jam itself in reverse as I was moving forward. If its not the auto reverse bug, then you have many others to choose from that are just as dangerous.

    This is what its like now riding the GT and I personally have had some "lucky" days:

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  7. anticrisus

    anticrisus Member

    wiztecy - you've made your point in many places. thanks.
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  8. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    Thanks. But does Evolve get it? That's the real question.
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  9. fiori

    fiori Member

    User error
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  10. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    Sorry you haven't hurt yourself from a known defect product.

    Let see, I have a bunch of witnesses that see me riding and then the board just darts out from under me without warning. I end up on the ground, shoulder dislocated due to the fall and riding with a backpack and they came to my rescue. They were watching me and didn't see me fiddling with the remote. I was on a crowded path with people all around me, so why the hell would I be messing with the remote when I am looking out for others and my own safety? Yes, user error from a guy who is a Quality Assurance Engineer and has helped release many world wide consumer related products and ensured that the consumer's safety is a #1 priority. Have you even read these threads, seen the defects from an RF standpoint? Yes, putting Carbon Fiber over a radio antenna to reduce its transmission and receive strength is "user error". Please educate yourself.

    Secondly, I was hurt bad from the incident above, had the board looked at by Evolve who replaced the motor controller, replace the remote, and then riding forward after crossing rail road tracks, putting the board down, riding in ECO since I don't trust the board, I go 500-1000 feet forward in eco, keeping constant throttle on the trigger, and then out of no-where the board goes into reverse and throws me forward. We have other reports, more than 3 now, where this has happened. And you call it user error?

    Again, I'm happy you're not hurt from your board yet. That's what I want. People to be safe.

    Please refrain from commenting if it does not help others.

    Saying two words is far from being a person who has good intentions and sense of other peoples personal safety and remedying a situation that has already known to cause injury.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  11. fiori

    fiori Member

    It's not a defect. Maybe bad design. But honestly if you are going full speed and choose to downshift while knowing the remote is sensitive. I don't feel bad for you. Its the same 5 people crying about the remote all over the internet.
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  12. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    Hmmm. Putting a radio antenna inside a Carbon Fiber housing is NOT a defect you say??? Please understand RF technology. Again, I'm happy for you that you have a "working" board. And sorry you have to stoop so low to call people who've been hurt by a product, saying its "User Error". By the way, a properly designed consumer device should prevent "User Error".

    Some guy did this on the FaceBook Evolve GT page. A girl had controller issues, tried to go through Evolve to fix it, Evolve wants her to pay for their defect on her dime to ship it back again. Then some guy who does not have any sense on how to contribute to a group in a positive manner to help others says "User Error". Curious if you're this same guy. Same logic and lack of sense. I eventually blocked this guy since I commented back defending her. Its non-sense to feed peoples ego's when it is non-constructive, only to feed their ego.

    Again I'm happy you are not hurt and have a fully functional board.

    That is what I want from all EV boards.

    By the way, I'm the guy who took down a negative Evolve GT page due to no clear supportive evidence of his claim. Saying these boards are dangerous, don't buy it, etc. He showed a bent motor mount and that's about it. Nothing saying what happened, nothing showing what the board did. It was only one person, no others backing him up. Now we have many people backing up similar claims and first hand experience that some of these boards are defective. When people become injured riding a board that does whatever the board wants to do, not following the commands and expectations of the rider, they need to FIX it.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
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  13. Ghost1111

    Ghost1111 Member

    Until you people deal with these issues be quiet.

    These boards have issues and for some reason you hate on the upset person who was nearly seriously hurt.
    You didn't deal with these issues so you can't understand what it's like. If you like the Evolve company and the work they have done with your board.. Good, but don't be abusive and childish to someone voicing their anger. Just ignore their posts.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Ghost1111

    Ghost1111 Member


    Alot of Evolvers have stockholm syndrome, I'm personally facing a lot of hate on an evolve FB page for my complaining about the issues I have had. They don't want to hear negatives about their beloved company, Don't let them silence you, Dealing with these things isn't what we should have to do.
  15. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    I agree.

    I took down a negative publicity FaceBook page on Evolve. I documented it on this forum, it was all accusation with nothing backing up the claims. However when you see a pattern of events happening, and look from it from an RF engineer and Quality Assurance engineer standpoint, something is wrong. Today I'd still take down that page, if you can't defend why you're having an issue with a company around safety nor indicate your real concern, I don't see a valid point. However in my case, there are many other riders who agree and have experienced the same issues that have caused injury to myself and others.

    I don't think Evolve is taking this serious and it may be time to lawyer up.

    You are right about not feeding the troll and ignoring what people have to say attacking others who are having issues. Who are they to judge? I was in denial after getting my board that something was not right with the board. Again its documented on this forum, then I got hurt. And it was only after getting out of this denial and riding the board again that I was prepared and could be ready if the board did something stupid. I haven't ridden my board since it went in reverse on its own. So what can I do now? I was manually shifting into a lower gear to avoid being thrown off. But then I find when I rode in ECO that it was just as dangerous. Hence why the board just sits. I don't want to ride this thing.

    Its scary to see Evolve has not commented on this forum to address or confront the issue, even more that I had my board back to Evolve and the issue isn't resolved and in some sense, worse. And lastly that a constructive email to the owner of Evolve was sent and never had a response due to my safety concern and injury.

    What does it take, posting to Jeff's live feed that something is amiss here? I don't want to do that but I don't like again how Evolve is showing one side to pump these boards out to consumers and ignoring some serious real world events that threaten the rider's safety. And the rider's safety needs to be a #1 priority, not driving sales and driving how fast your board can go.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  16. homy

    homy Member

    It is like when you are driving a car you are aware of you're shifting!? or never look at the odometer? I mean yes, it might be not the perfect remote, but I like to have the reverse option, I have a Carbon GT, bought it recently and as a new user I am skateboarding everyday but before going up hills in the street or other stuff, I did a lot of practice to get used to the remote, breaking and the skateboard itself. You can not practice and not aware of the functionality of your skateboard and use it. These events, most of them, happened because user did not look at the remote before shifting, I think its better for Evolve to make a better video and manual and send with skateboard and ask everyone to read the manual and watch the video before jumping on the skateboard.

    I like my skateboard, and if that happen to me, I can not blame Evolve 100% as I know that function is there, some pro users are using these functions in their sport, I rather like to get used to functions than asking to remove. If you are playing with e technology stuff you must be ready to learn to use them properly. Indeed, as a user I have this right to not like the function or even sell my skateboard but blaming them for this function is over reacting in my opinion.

    The problem, is E boards are going to be a real transport device for many users, however there is no book or rules for riding it, or L or P label for new users or practicing in advance. I think skateboarding really needs the skill and with E-Boards you need to focus more as it has a motor now and you can not think about other things you are riding your skateboard, focus and enjoy riding.
  17. homy

    homy Member

    My guess is some users are not aware of all risks of skateboarding or long boarding, this sport is coming with injuries! but there are many ways to reduce the risk, and its still a sport. Like skiing, if you do not know how to ride then you need practice, if you have an evidence that it goes to reverse by itself, then document it and upload that here please. Yes wanted to go from Eco to Slow to reduce the speed?! why didn't you break and then touch softly the remote to have less speed in Eco mode? Also why you pushed the button on the remote more than it needed?
    I can do that easily, I can control my speed in Eco mode with the remote by controlling my finger pressure though I am a new user.

    I really advice all new users, before jumping on the skateboard, simulate all situation with the remote and skateboard. How? this is what I did, I flipped the skateboard and put on the desk and start playing with the remote and test all situations and see the reaction, and remember it. then I start practicing on the grass most of the situation, yes I had problems, but I learnt from them.

    I am sure, Evolve is reading all these pages, and they are aware of problems, but the way user bringing up their problem is not really like giving advice to customer service for better result, its more like blaming for not having enough practice or enough skills.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. homy

    homy Member

    I agree with adding the option for disabling reverse, that must be really useful, but your skateboard did not go automatically into reverse, you pushed the button before looking at your remote, i.e. there are cars these days they even stop or break automatically, not only shifting down.
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  19. wiztecy

    wiztecy Member

    I disagree with the 'most" comments saying people are putting the remote into reverse. Even if people did, with the V2 remote which I and others have, this was NOT to occur and was redesigned to address that very issue!! The old remotes were easier to jump into reverse, and there are a few videos showing that, hence why Evolve changed the way it goes into REV. In no way should the board go into reverse on its own.

    My issue of the board going into reverse happened after I traveled 1000-2000 feet with the board in ECO mode going FORWARD. I was NOT messing with buttons and made certain stayed away from them! Same with another user who got thrown off the board and hurt. And when the board jams itself into reverse as your going up hill, forward, that's very bad! Reported by another rider.

    Then you start looking at the other issues, if that issue occurred, what other issues can occur. I have had nothing but problems with my board. 1) Accelerating by itself in GT mode, most likely due to interference bad RF signal from the remote to the board from enclosing the damn Bluetooth antenna in a Carbon Fiber shield. Another issue, 2) the board failing to decelerate when the remote is is neutral for 2-3 seconds which feels like eternity. 3) The board failing to slow down or brake when coming into an intersection. 4) Choppy / unpredictable remote response that all of a sudden jolts on the braking or the acceleration. 5) Board jumps into reverse or hard braking on its own. All 5 of these are defects, issues with the board. This is not "new technology". Electric Skateboards have been around for quite some time, same with BlueTooth remotes. I have 4 other Electric Skateboards that are safe and have not had one single issue with them. So I do understand Electric Skateboards and the technology that surrounds them, and it is possible to make them safe for all riders with proper testing before you send them out to consumers. Proper testing is not just powering them on / off and ensure they pair. You should be doing sample testing of each BT radio that goes into these boards for signal strength to ensure that all the components going into the board are good.

    Secondly I was VERY cautious of my CGT when it jammed into reverse for that I got hurt. I was paying strict attention to what I was doing, the board started acting up with not being smooth, and that was a clue of what the hell is going on, be prepared before it threw me off the board.

    I do blame Evolve for design flaws and failing to put safety first in a product. If it was clicking noises with a bearing, wheels breaking off due to poor molding, that's a different story, but when you have people of all ages riding this board you have to engineer it with safety in mind.

    I come from riding motorcycles, street, dirt bikes, electric cars, electric motorcycles and have been riding motorcycles since I've been 12. I've been fixing cars since I've been 14 and found that its yourself who's responsible of understanding what's going on and for your own safety. But when a product just does whatever it wants to do, that's a flaw in design and a defect.

    Anyways I sent Evolve a request for a full refund. I'm done with this board. My life and health is more important to me than to be gambling if the bugs in my board have been shaken out.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
  20. homy

    homy Member

    Sorry mate, but I only believe this if you record the problem and upload it, I tested my board in many ways to be sure that its safe, I do not like to get hurt and I am almost 40 yrs old. And if it is really a matter, don't be a troll, do not only type, you are a mechanic? you have experience about all these? ok prove it, make an experiment. I am looking forward to see and support you then.
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