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Glue for grip tape

Discussion in 'General Eskate Chat' started by BigSteve, Feb 20, 2020.

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  1. BigSteve

    BigSteve Member

    Have a new evolve GTR Carbon.

    Two pieces of grip tape are peeling off after 2 weeks of use.
    Evolve are sending out a replacement grip tape (AWESOME service).

    Is there an adhesive that is safe to relgue the two small pieces back onto the Carbon boards?
    It's a shame to patch-work a new grip tape for two small sections.

    Hot glue stick? Rubber cement? *not* superglue..

    Anyone had any success in the past?
  2. xrayturner

    xrayturner Member

    You will need to replace the grip tape at some point anyway. Grip tape is pretty much a consumable. If you are looking for advice on this I would buy some new grip tape, cut it the size of the stuff that is pealing and replace. If evolve is sending you tape use that. Last time I replaced mine I got some nice tie dye colored tape from a local skate shop. 10 to 15 dollars covered the whole board. Once the adhesive is shot there really is no re-sticking it glue or otherwise. Enjoy and ride on!
  3. Wallie

    Wallie Member

    i wouldn't recommend gluing it will make it harder to remove when you need to replace it, id see this as an opportunity to replace it with something more custom.
  4. fastrider

    fastrider Member

    Could you post the dimensions of the grip tape? I would like to know whether it fits the Carbon GT approximately.
  5. Wallie

    Wallie Member

    depends on how much of the board your looking to cover, the board length is 40" long so 10 x 40" would cover the entire board, if your only looking to cover the battery cover a standard 9 x 33" will cover that and leave some extra.
  6. fastrider

    fastrider Member

    I would like to use the GTR tape on the GT, I'm just wondering whether I only need to cut some edges to make it fit or I need to alter the whole thing...
  7. Wallie

    Wallie Member

    the gtr tape is pre cut into the hexes and will fit your GT just fine

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